As a completely volunteer-run organization, our Association thrives thanks to the dedication of our volunteers. It takes over 6,000 hours of association-level volunteering per season to operate NWR, and hundreds more team-level volunteer hours to ensure a curated experience for our athletes.
As a member of the Association, it is expected that each registered athlete's family provides the following volunteer commitment:
Note: Association-level volunteer hours can be completed by one individual or split between many. Families with two or more registered athletes only need to complete a minimum of 16 hours of Association Level volunteering per season.
Event Specific Volunteering Roles Contribution based on credit hours as described in the shift schedule. Active volunteering opportunities will be listed below as they become available. Please sign up through the following SignUp Genius events and please note the no-cancellation windows specific to each event.
Evaluators: Note that all coach applicants (head coach, goalie, and assistant coaches) must volunteer to evaluate for a minimum of 8 hours as per the Coach Selection Policy. Non-coach evaluators are also encouraged to volunteer with no minimum or maximum commitment. More information on Evaluator shifts will be provided via email in August and September.
Key Role within NWR or on EGRT Planning Committee: Contribution of 8+ hours. Indicate your interest upon registration, inform the Volunteer Coordinator. Selection is at the discretion of the responsible Director. Current open key roles:
Board Members: The Board of Directors is elected as per the Bylaws at the Annual General Meeting. Vacancies can be filled by vote at a Board Meeting. Contact the President and Secretary for more information or to indicate your interest.
Committee, Sub-Committee, or Working Group Participation: Opportunities will be communicated via email and listed here.
Additional Volunteer Roles: Additional roles may be recruited by the Board of Directors as needed. Eligibility will be communicated at the time of recruitment.
Volunteer Buy-Out Option: While we prefer your time and effort, a volunteer buy-out option is available at $350 per registrant, as per Appendix J of the Policies.
Please refer to the "Compulsory Association Volunteering Program” details in Policy #25 for more details.
Team volunteering is expected of all families and does NOT count towards the Association Level volunteering commitment. While roles such as Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Team Managers are vital, they are not eligible (at this time) as association-level volunteering. However, as per the Coach Selection Policy, coaches must volunteer at least 8 hours as an evaluator to be eligible as a Head, Assistant, or Goalie Coach.
Every family is expected to contribute equitably at the team level. While head coaches may volunteer more hours, it is anticipated that all parents will contribute as much as they can to create an exceptional experience for the athletes and team.
Each season, we need parents to step into various roles, including:
Join us in making a difference in our athletes lives by volunteering with NWR!